From November 2003 to May 2011 Galerie ADLER was focusing on new and fresh international talents with a unique handwriting going along with strong and challenging themes. From 2008 til 2010 we had a project space in Chelsea, New York.

About the fromer gallery: "The artists reflect the self-image, the desires and dreams of human beings in today's society. They explore topics like youth culture, social conflicts, life and death, faith and despair as well as angst, loneliness, violence and other kinds of human abysses. Their work can be described as morbid, provocative, bizarre but also as ironic, mystic and grotesque. They provide a link between drama and humour."

As of May 31st, 2011 the lease of our gallery space at Hanauer Landstraße was terminated by the landlord needing the space himself. This and Ulrike Adler main place of residence in the US let to the decision to close the gallery. Contact details Ulrike:

Ulrike Adler Stevens, New York
+1 917 592 7025