Sigurður Guðjonsson - Biographie

Sigurður Guðjonsson
*1975, Reykjavík
, IS
Lebt und arbeitet in Reykjavik

2000 - 2003 Island Academy of the Arts, BA.
2002 - 2003 Akademie
der Bildenden Künste, Wien, Österreich
1998 - 1999 Billedskolen
, Kopenhagen, Dänemark


2010 Sigurdur Gudjónsson, Sudsudvestur, Reykjanesbaer, Island
        Sigurdur Gudjónsson, Alessandromarenaproject, Turin, Italien
        Event Nr. 3, Hladan, Vogar, Island
2009 Event Nr. 2, House of Ideas, Reykjavik, Island
        Event Nr. 1, The Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, Island
2008 Sigurdur Gudjonsson, Galerie Kunstagenten,
Gallery Video Lounge, Berlin
        Sigurdur Gudjonsson, Galerie Adler New York, USA
2007 Sigurđur Guđjónsson, Safn Reykjavík, Iceland
        Sigurður Guðjónsson, Reykjavík Art Museum, Iceland
2006 Dark places,
Motorenhalle, Dresden
Bleak - Trostlos, Kunstverein Langenhagen, Langenhagen
        Deathbed, Galerie Adler, Frankfurt am Main
2004 Host, Gallery Kling & Bang, Reykjavik, Island

2002 Darkness, Gallery Priestor, Bratislava, Slowakei (mit Magnus Arnason)

        Cat, Gallery Kukur, Island

        WONDERBOY, Gallery Nema Hvad, Island

2010 NO-WHERE/NOW-HERE, Casa Masaccio, centro per l'arte contemporanea, San Giovanni Valdarno,
2009 Shamanimal. Ritual and the non-human, Standpoint, London, UK
        Kling & Bang X, No Soul for Sale – A Festival of Independents, X Initiative, New York
        Event Nr. 2, SEQUENCES Realtime Art Festival, Reykjavík, Island
Fisheye International Experimental Film and Video Festival Rome, Italien
        (curated by Ilari Valbonesi)
Northwave, book and video screening project during the opening of the Biennale di Venezia
        (curated by Lorella Scacco)
Dreams of the Sublime, Kunstsi museum of Modern Art, Vaasa, Finnland
2008 You can take the artist out of Iceland, but you can’t take Iceland out of the artist,
        Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, Norwegen
        Dalir og hólar, Island
        the building, e-flux video rental, Platz Der Vereinten Nationen 14a, Berlin
        Dreams of the Sublime and Nowhere, Safn Reykjavík, Iceland
        Black Mathematics, FIFI Projects, Miami, USA
        Dreams of the Sublime and Nowhere, BOZAR Centre for fine arts, Brüssel, Belgien
        Galerie Stedefreund, Berlin
        Á jaðrinum, Film Archive, Wellington, Neuseeland (curated by Dr. Leonhard Emmerling)
2007 Deathbed, Breed & host Ursula Blickle Videoarchiv, Kunsthalle Wien, Wien, Österreich
        Crossing Border Festival, Den Haag, Niederlande
        A jadrinum, Film Archive, Auckland, Neuseeland (curated by Dr. Leonhard Emmerling)
        Icelandic Video Art, Borderline moving images festival, Beijing, China
        Prater Art Sessions, Prater Wien, Österreich
        Rekord, Oslo, Norwegen
        100 Days 100 videos, GL Strand, Kopenhagen, Dänemark
2006 100 Tage 100 Videos, Kunstverein Heidelberg, Heidelberg
        Vienna Biennale, Vienna, Österreich
SEQUENCES real time festival, Reykjavík, Island
Temporary Cities, National Centre for Contemporary Arts (NCCA), Moskau, Rußland
        The Un-Homely, Galerie Adler, New York City, USA
        Aktuelle Videokunst aus Island, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin
        Iceland show, BUS Gallery, Melbourne, Australien
        the end, my friend, Spielhaus Morrison Galerie, Berlin (kuratiert von Severin Dünser)
        Islandia, Kültur Büro Barcelona, Barcelona, Spanien
2005 West, video in cZusammenarbeit mit Gabriela Fridriksdóttir
        Host, Berlin Liste, Klink&Bank invasion
2004 Etoiles Polares, Vooruit, Ghent, Belgien
        Nyskopun – Ny – Skopun,exhibition in a collaboration with Ice Tec, Reykjavík, Island
        Berlin North, (in Zusammenarbeit mit Elin Hansdottir, Ásdis Sif Gunnarsdottir, Egil
        Saebjörnsson and Sara Riel), Hamburger Bahnhof , Berlin
2003 Behind the eyes, Bergen Kunsthalle, Norwegen
        Stye, Reykjavik Art Museum, Island
        Uppnam, Einar Jonsson Sculpture Garden, Island
        Stye, Gallery 10, Húsavik, Island
2002 IXI Soundperformance, Museums Quartier 21, Wien, Österreich
        Red, Uppsala Short Film Festival, Schweden
        Converter Projekt Part 2, The Living Art Museum, Island
2001 LOD, sound Performance in Buryzone, Bratislava,
        Converter Projekt Part 1, Semper Depot, Wien, Österreich
        Polyfonia, Living Art Museum, Island
        Daddy goes all the way, Safnahusid, Husavik, Island
        Eagle Beagle, Living Art Museum, Island (in Zusammenarbeit mit Egill Saebjornsson)
        Honk, Living Art Museum, Island
        Best Hlemmur in the World, The electro company sound performance
2000 Dælan gengur, Olis, Island
        Electro Company, The Yellow House, Island, sound performance

Reydan Weiss, Essen, Deutschland
Reykjavík Art Museum, Iceland

Selected video works
2007 Breed, 17min, hdv/dvd
2006 Bleak, 25min, hdv/dvd
2006 Sárabeð/Deathbed, 25 min, hdv/dvd
2004 Host, length 42 min, dvcam/dvd
2004 Flesh, length 15 min, dv cam/dvd
2003 Stye, length 37 min dv cam/dvd
2002 Darkness, length 16 min, dv cam/dvd
2001 Leatherstreet, length 35 min, dv cam/dvd and audio cd
In Zusammenarbeit mit Gabriela Friðriksdóttir: 2005 West / Tetrologi, length 9min

2002 Killed a man with his ass

        The Beautiful Carrot
        Slím, in Zusammenarbeit mit Magnus Arnason
2001 Leatherstreet, in Zusammenarbeit mit Arnar Gudjonsson
        Loð, in Zusammenarbeit mit Magnus Arnason
1993 Abduction, Cranium

2009 Mise en abyme, Icelandic Art Today, by Shauna Laurel Jones, Hatje Cantz, 2009 (cat.)
        Northwave, by Lorella Scacco, Silvana Editoriale, 2009 (cat.)
2008 Dreams of the Sublime and Nowhere, published by Reykjavik Art Museum (Cat.)
        Dreams of the Sublime and Nowhere, published by BozarExpo, Brussel (Cat.)
        Young Icelandic artist in D:gallery januar 2007 to April 2008, published by Reykjavik Art
        Museum (Cat.)
2007 Prater Art Sessions, Spike Magazine Austria, March 30, 2007
2006 Sigurdur Gudjonsson: Dark Places, LIST Icelandic Art News Nr. 9, von Dr. Christian Schön
        Reykjavik, Art Review, von November Paynter, Juni 2006, S. 54
        Licht, Ton, Schnitt, Zeichnung, Illusion, Ritual - durchbuchstabiert, Main Echo, von Gundel-Maria
        Busse, 3. Mai 2006
        Island in Videos und Fotos, Frankfurter Neue Presse, von Gernot Gottwals, 2. Mai 2006, S. 27
2004 Berlin North, Katalog Hamburger Bahnhof

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Hanauer Landstraße 134, 60314 Frankfurt, Germany, +49 (0)69-43053962,