Boo Ritson - Biographie

Boo Ritson
*1969 Surrey, UK

2003 - 2005 Royal College of Art, MA Sculpture
1999 - 2002 Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College.
                  BA Fine Art (First)


2010 Tamar Dresdner Gallery, Tel Aviv
2009 Poppy Sebire Gallery and Alan Cristea Gallery, London
        The Hobo and Friends, Galerie Adler, Frankfurt am Main
2008 Then and Now and Forever, BravinLee programs, New York
2007 Alan Cristea New Gallery Publications, London
        The Zabludowicz Collection: When We Build, Let us Think That We Build Forever. The
        BALTIC, Gateshead
        HotDogs and Heroes, David Risley Gallery, London
        Art Futures, Bloomberg, London
        Project Space Mark Moore Gallery, Santa Monica, Los Angeles
2006 Cast David Risley Gallery, London



2008 Order form Chaos, El Convento de Santa Ines, Seville, Spain
        Order from Chaos, Centro Andaluz de Fotografia, Almeria, Spain
        Through the Star Gate, AR/Contemporary, Milan
        Cabinet of Curiosities. Performance, Royal Academy Schools, London
        Who are you? Faceless tableaux vivants, Galerie Adler, New York
        ART futures, Bloomberg space, London
2007 Portraiture: a fictional narrative, Clifford Chance, London
        Anticipation, One One One Gallery, London
2006 The Portrait, V22/Ashwin Street, London
        Gold Ovada, Oxford
        Alan Christea Gallery Publications Group Show Cork Street, London
        Everydebris, St. Paul’s Gallery, London (with Bob and Roberta Smith, Richard Wentworth,
        and Terry Smith)
        Beauty and the Beast Stourhead, Mere
        Scarecrow, Metsovo, Greece (with Jake and Dinos Chapman, Hew Locke and Henry Krotsakis)
        Crivelli’s Nail, Chapter Gallery, Cardiff (with James Hyde, Graham Gussin, Mark Wallinger
        and Gavin Turk)
2005 Accidental Death Including James Aldridge, Masakatsu Kondo, Henry Krokatsis, Ed Ruscha,
        Michael Simpson, and Jonathan Wateridge; David Risley Gallery, London
        Hollow Salon 2005 Hollow Contemporary, London
        Nice to Meet You Mark Moore Gallery, Los Angeles
        Be Ready Heart; For Parting, New Endeavour, The Great Eastern Hotel, London
        (with Richard Wentworth, Brian Griffith and Terry Smith)
        Clifford Chance Postgraduate printmaking, Canary Wharf, London
        Ad Hoc David Risley Gallery, London
        MA/BA online catalogue, Art Fortnight Selected by Catriona Warren, Art Review and Kay Saatchi
        Let Me Hear Your Body Talk (Performance) Amsterdam
        MA Show Royal College of Art, London
        Triumvirate II, Los Angeles (with George Raggett and John Pearson)
        Ntopia 2 Los Angeles
2004 Ntopia1 (Art and Ideas) Mexico City
        Pilot 1 Limehouse Town Hall, London
        Halbes Haus, Three Colts Gallery, London (with Juan Bolivar, George Buckland,
        Gordon Cheung, George Doneo, Dave Farnham, Lothar Goetz, Peter Lamb, Jost Muenster,
        and Joby Williamson)
        Summer show Royal College of Art, London
        Crossroads-Installation Raid Projects, Los Angeles
        Stereo White Royal College of Art, London
        Network, De Parel, Amsterdam
        Lilo 8 Stag Night, Gasworks Studios, London (with Peter Maltz, Frances Richardson,
        Neil Zakiewicz, Michael Whittle)
        Motorcity Spitalfields, London
2003 Lilo 6 Returning Night, Gasworks Studios, (with Lisa Brice, Andrew Carter, Ray Cooke,
        Godfried Donker, Paul Duncan, Hew Locke, Peter Lynch, Peter Macdonald, Frances Richardson,
        Danny Rolph, Nick Wyatt)
        Viva Las Limehouse Limehouse Arts Foundation, Bow
        FlyPitch Project based in Brixton Market
        Magdalen Road Studios Associate members show, Oxford
        Pizza Prospects Drawing Prize Finalists’ Exhibition, Brick Lane, London
        Re-Thinking Drawing Raid Projects, Los Angeles
        Surprise, Surprise! A Southern Arts funded exhibition touring six Buckinghamshire schools,
        then High Wycombe Museum
        Notably PumpHouse Gallery, Battersea Park, London
        (selectors: Paul Hedge/ Hales Gallery, Catriona Warren/ Art Review, Martin Coomer/Time Out,
        and Susie Gray/ PumpHouse Gallery)

Public Collections

Alexandra Abbattista. London
Chadha Collection, The Netherlands
Clifford Chance, London
Chris Drake, London
Manfredi Della Gherardesca, Florence
Pascal Guttieres, Paris
Christopher Guth, London
Mark Haukohl, Texas
Jay Jopling, London
Stella Kay, Moscow
Hans Mayer, Dusseldorf
Becky Meyer, London
Stephania Morellato, Milan
David Roberts, UK
Saatchi Collection, London
Kay Saatchi, London
Kaveh Shebani, London
Randy Slifka, New York
Jerry Speyer, New York
Nader Taverkoli, New York
Wolfgang and Anna Titze
Robin White, London
Poju and Anita Zabludowicz, London
Eli Zagury, London
Various commissions

ArtForum Berlin online art fair review October 2005.
Art Review magazine, “The Art Review 25: London MA Graduates” July 2005.
Metro review “Crivelli’s Nail”, 31st March 2006.
Hotshoe Magazine. Review of work in Crivelli’s Nail, May 2006.
“London Horticulture”. Review of “Cast” by Ana Finel Honigman on Artnet website. Another Magazine, “Another Way of Painting Faces”. Interview by Sally O’Reilly. Autumn/Winter 2006.
Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, Munich. Interview, February 2007.
Article on Hotdogs and Heroes, Saatchi Gallery website, interview by Laura K Jones. March 2007.
Adbusters, Vancouver. Cover, March/April 2007.
Sunday Times, Culture section, Waldemar Januszczak. May 13th 2007.
Art Magazin de Deutschland. Article, May 2007. The Spectator. Article, May 2007.
The Spectator. Article, May 2007.
The Guardian. “My Best Shot”, October 2007
Art World. Issue One, October 2007.
Imagine. “How to Get On in the Art World”. BBC1 television arts documentary, November 6th 2007.


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